Benefits of Green Tea - Should You Drink It at All?


What are the benefits of green tea in Dubai? This question worries many who are looking for healthy products for their health. Below are its benefits, harms, composition, and how to brew it correctly.

Composition and Benefits of green tea

Green tea contains a large amount of biologically active substances. Here are the most active

•    Theine is a type of caffeine. Its shape ensures its soft and gradual effect. Stimulates and tones the nervous system. Has pain relieving properties.

•    Theophylline and theobromine - have a diuretic and vasodilating effect.

•    Tannin and catechins - act against viruses and microbes.

•    Amino acids, tannins, and nitrogenous substances - have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and slow down cell aging.

•    Vitamins and minerals - A, B, C, PP, potassium, magnesium, zinc, various enzymes, organic acids.

The composition of green matcha tea Dubai is really rich. It's processing, minimal among teas, makes it possible to preserve them in the maximum volume.

What are the benefits of green tea?

All of these constituent elements are combined in it in a surprisingly useful sequence. That allows you to get the following healing properties. Check out the benefits of the best green tea in Dubai!
•    Reduces cholesterol levels and helps normalize blood pressure.

•    Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases their elasticity, and normalizes blood circulation.

•    Reduces risk of heart attack

•    Increases resistance to stress

•    Increases performance, stamina, alertness

•    Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and suppresses the processes of fermentation and decay inside

•    Removes toxins and free radicals, radiation

•    Strengthens nails, hair, and bones

•    Reduces the risk of caries

•    Slows down aging at the cellular level and the body as a whole

•    Facilitates rapid healing of tissues and regeneration

•    Speeds up metabolic rate, contributing to weight loss

•    Boosts immunity and mood

•    Relieves inflammation when applied externally. For example, from the eyes. With inflammatory processes and just with redness.

•    Purifies and rejuvenates the skin.

Now you understand the benefits of Dubai green tea! Few products have such a wide range of effects. It is important to prepare it correctly and choose the best one.

How to brew green tea with benefits?

The water of 85-95 degrees is used to obtain healing properties. The first brew is drained. Those. Pour matcha green tea Dubai with a small amount of water and drain immediately. This will sanitize and rinse the leaves. Then fill the kettle completely. And wait for a few minutes.

When choosing tea, give preference to large-leaf tea without chemical fragrances and flavors. Natural berries, flowers, and herbs will enhance its effect.

A teapot for brewing is suitable for ceramic, porcelain, and cast iron. Glass will show the beauty of the leaves and additional ingredients.

Put on with a spoon. Wooden is welcome. To maintain the integrity of tea flavor, avoiding direct contact with your hands is advisable to prevent the absorption of any foreign odors.

How to choose healthy green tea?

When choosing healthy green tea, there are a few factors to consider. Firstly, opt for loose-leaf tea rather than tea bags, as it tends to be of higher quality. Look for organic green tea in Dubai to avoid pesticides and chemicals. Pay attention to the origin of the tea and choose reputable brands known for their quality. Consider the freshness of the tea leaves, as fresher leaves tend to have a better flavor and higher antioxidant content. Lastly, be mindful of any additional ingredients or flavorings that may be added to the tea.

How and how much to store

Usually, the shelf life is about a year. However, potentially matcha green tea in Dubai can be stored for several years. And even decades. But what is the use of green tea in 10 years? There will be practically nothing left in it. Therefore, it is recommended to drink it within 1 year after collection. Or just as soon as possible.


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