
Showing posts from May, 2023

Benefits of Green Tea - Should You Drink It at All?

  What are the benefits of green tea in Dubai? This question worries many who are looking for healthy products for their health. Below are its benefits, harms, composition, and how to brew it correctly. Composition and Benefits of green tea Green tea contains a large amount of biologically active substances. Here are the most active •    Theine is a type of caffeine. Its shape ensures its soft and gradual effect. Stimulates and tones the nervous system. Has pain relieving properties. •    Theophylline and theobromine - have a diuretic and vasodilating effect. •    Tannin and catechins - act against viruses and microbes. •    Amino acids, tannins, and nitrogenous substances - have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and slow down cell aging. •    Vitamins and minerals - A, B, C, PP, potassium, magnesium, zinc, various enzymes, organic acids. The composition of green matcha tea Dubai is really rich. It's processing, minimal among teas, makes it possible to preserve them in the